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Refund Policy

You may cancel your service at any time. We will continue to bill your Payment Method on a periodic basis based on your subscription choice for your subscription service fee until you cancel. You may cancel your subscription service at anytime; however, there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods.

WE DO NOT PROVIDE REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR ANY PARTIAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE PERIODS OR UNWATCHED PAID ENTERTAINMENT. To cancel, visit our website and click on "Cancel" on the "My Account" page next your subscription choice and follow the instructions for cancellation.

Free Trial

You service may start with a free trial which provides you with the benefits of Viaway subscription services for no charge during the designated free trial period. The free trial period of your subscription lasts for 3 days (3 calendar days), or as otherwise specified during sign-up. Once your free trial period ends, we will begin billing your Payment Method for a subscription fee corresponding to a monthly subscription plan, unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial. For this reason, you will be asked to choose Payment Method and to provide your billing information when redeeming a free trial offer. You can cancel any time with no charges to your Payment Method during a free trial .

Viaway doesn't send a reminder message that your free trial subscription has ended or that your paid subscription has begun.

If you wish to avoid charges to your Payment Method, you must cancel Viaway service prior to midnight Pacific Time on the last day of your free trial period. You can cancel your account by going to your Account page under your Account Settings and clicking on the "Cancel" next to your subscription. There's no cancellation fee.

We offer free trials to ensure that the subscription is something you want before we charge your Payment Method. After your free trial period expires, there are currently no refunds. We operate under the assumption that you want your subscription to continue unless you cancel it.

At any time, and for any reason, if there are special circumstances where Viaway determines it is appropriate, we may provide a refund, discount, or other consideration to affected subscribers. The amount and form of such credits, and the decision to provide them, are at our sole and absolute discretion.

Please note all payments are in USA dollars. Anywhere you see $ sign, it means USA dollars.

Last Updated: January 23, 2016